Asa Cottrell Chapter Members attending District II Fall Meeting 2024.
L-R: Kathy Hughes, State Regent Christina Bannon, District II Director Cathy Carlton, Darlene Schoepski, Lynne DiSimoni.
Asa Cottrell daughters held their 9th Veteran’s Recognition Pancake Breakfast, co-sponsored with
Chapter 1414 of the Experimental Aircraft Association, at the EAA Hangar at Poplar Grove Airport on Oct. 12th from 7-11 AM. Darlene Schoepski, Dory Curnayn, and Patricia Cox greeted 28 vets and gave them each a goodie bag. This year, the bags featured a Challenge Coin with symbols of all the military services, which came in a small blue velvet bag, a small flashlight, a Thank You card, and some candies. The Challenge Coins were a hit! Darlene also takes each veteran’s picture, which she then mounts on white foam boards. She brought last year’s photos and placed them near the entrance. We noticed the vets checking to see if they were in the photos from last year, and many were. The EAA hangar was decorated with everything in red, white, and blue, by Patricia Cox, assisted by EAA Chapter members Ron Cox, Seth Peterson, Dwight VanMeerveld and Adolph Svec. The weather on Saturday the 12th was nearly perfect, if a bit windy, and we had 45 young people come out for free “Young Eagle” flights with the volunteer EAA pilots. The DAR also gives each of them a packet with a flag pin and patriotic pen, as well as a booklet with the US Constitution. They also get a small bag containing some candies. This project allows us to honor the vets and show our appreciation and acknowledgement of their service, give them a free breakfast, and time to visit with other vets. It has always been a meaningful experience for the DAR members. Jennifer Becker accepting Constitution Week, September 17-23, Proclamation from Boone County Board Chairman Rodney Riley.